Tuesday 9 August 2011


1 comment:

  1. Asssalam O Alaikum,

    haaa...alhumdulillah, Allah has guided me to stay away form the music.
    Please allow me to unburden myself with the horrific facts about music which have been haunting me (i had never knew).
    The most scariest thing is that it causes "nifaq" in our hearts, (without our conscious awareness), and munafiqeen will be in the lowest level of jahannum.
    The prisoners in "abu guraib" (the prison in Baghdad, iraq) were tortured with the highest volume of violent music possible, and they became crazy and mentally handicapped. astaghfirullah.
    The soldiers of Iraq war had helmets which had wild/ violent music wired into them with the repetition of the F* word so they can kill more people.
    The rock music today has the same effect on the human mind with subliminal messages, and promote homosexuality and lesbinism.
    Last not the least, the indian music has so many shirkiya words that we utter and not realize.
    May Allah guide us all.
    ameen :)
